Duetti moravi

(Moravian Duets 2nd series) folk songs Op.29

(The slighted heart): Dyby byla kosa nabróšená
(Oh, that now I held the seythe well sharpend)

(Parting without sorrow): V dobrým sme se sešli (Gaily as I met thee)
Allegretto scherzando

(Moravian Duets 3rd series) folk songs Op.32

Holub na javore (Forsaken): Letel holúbek na pole (Lo, the dove from her)
Allegro scherzando

Skromná (The modest maid): Hraj, muziko, hraj (Let us sing today)

Zajatá (The maid imprisoned): Zalo devce, zalo (Maiden journeys forth a)
Andante cantabile - Andantino

Sípek (The wild Rose): Šlo dev ce na trá vu (Forth went a comely lass)
Allegro - Andante e molto cantabile

Prsten (The ring): Krásná moja milá (Sweeter then the violet)

Da bambino


Il contralto Anna Cermakova, moglie di Dvorak

I genitori

Nella bara

I funerali

La tomba

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